GLMV Business/Marketing Roundtable Luncheon
Date and Time
Wednesday Feb 5, 2025
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CST1st Wed. Monthly, 11:30 - 1 pm
Singh's Kitchen - 620 N Milwaukee, Libertyville
FREE to attend. Purchase lunch on your own from set menu.
GLMV Business/Marketing Roundtable Lu...Description
The GLMV Business Roundtable provides an opportunity for business professionals to discuss their marketing challenges and successes, share ideas for creative business initiatives, gain valuable nuggets and insight.
Speaker: Jason Reep, MRA - The Management Association
Jason will review key leadership skills and provide a quick overview of what we are hearing from Illinois employers regarding HR topics and share a short overview of MRA.
I will also invite roundtable participants to our watch party for MRA’s annual Employment Law Update conference. If they register, they can come to our Schaumburg office, watch the streamed event with other HR professionals, and participate in an in-person presentation from a local attorney covering Illinois law (plus they get lunch). Is there any way to get this flyer to all GLMV members?
MRA member benefits offered to GLMV members, including special access to the HR Hotline. In 2025, each member can call MRA's HR Hotline twice for guidance and support on HR-related topics.
He will also invite all members to participate in our annual Benchmark Compensation Survey. This year’s survey was recently launched, and the reports will be released in May. GLMV participants will receive an Executive Summary with top-line data at no cost. They can purchase the full survey at a preferred rate. If there is enough participation, GLMV will receive a special report with GLMV member results to share with your members as you wish.
Founded in 1901, MRA is a nonprofit employer association offering comprehensive assortment of HR services, talent management, learning and organization development opportunities
Plus, Social Media tips and tricks by Bruce Himmelblau, Blue Sky Video
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